We Care
At Plugit, we prioritise ESG by driving sustainable electric mobility, reducing emissions, and optimising energy use. We promote social responsibility and uphold the highest standards of governance for ethical and transparent operations.

Our success is built on the principle of integrity and on ethical practises, as outlined in Code of Conduct for Partners (PDF). It describes the ethical values and transparency standards which guide our employees as well as our partners and customers on our overall mission.
The Code of Conduct for Plugit Finland Oy’s partners (the Code) sets out rules for our partners on the standards of responsible business practices which Plugit requires all its partners to comply with, regardless of the value and form of cooperation. We require that all partners who collaborate with Plugit act responsibly and comply with the Code. Suspected breaches of the Code shall be reported immediately to the contact person or a representative of Plugit’s management
In the event that unlawful or unethical conduct or conduct against the internal guidelines is recognized, Plugit will take all necessary actions to react to such conduct in an appropriate way, and to ensure that similar conduct be prevented in the future. Breaches of the Code or other violations of responsible business practices may lead to the termination of the contractual or collaboration relationship.
By committing to doing business or collaborating with Plugit, the partner confirms that it and its affiliates and their representatives comply with this Code. In this Code, the expression “affiliates” refers to all entities which Plugit’s partner controls, which control Plugit’s partner, or who are under common control with Plugit’s partner.
Good moves
Plugit commits to net-zero goal and has adopted science-based carbon reduction targets
“We encourage all Plugit employees, partners and customers to join us on our journey towards zero emissions – everyone’s input and active participation is needed to systematically make better greener choices to avoid global warming and its catastrophic consequences for humanity and the planet.
We are excited and enthusiastic to speed up the journey towards zero emissions.”
–Tommi Saarela, CEO
Plugit is committed to science-based net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner and to limiting the global temperature increase to 1.5°C. This shared global goal can only be achieved if all companies, cities, countries and people on the planet reduce their carbon emissions. As a valued Plugit customer you will have access to all the data as well as the team of engineers you need on your journey.
On green mission since 2012
When we started, the markets were very immature, with only a few hundred EVs and practically no charging infrastructure in Finland. However, we were still able to impact customer emissions even before the Paris Agreement.
Science based targets
We started our ESG journey by calculating our CO2 emission data (Scope 1, 2 and estimating Scope 3 emissions). This year was set up as the baseline for target setting on our roadmap to net zero.
Base year |
Scope 1 | Scope 2 | Scope 1 & 2 bsl |
Scope 3 bsl |
Rev. |
2021 | 38,4 tCO2e | 16,3 tCO2e | 54,72 tCO2e | tbd | 13,23 M€ |
Systematic work
Time to impact
We have committed to more systematic ESG work and have carried out our most recent GHG inventory for the year as follows.
Year | Scope 1 | Scope 2 (Market based) |
Scope 2 (Location based) |
Revenue |
2022 | 38,3 tCO2e | 6,1 tCO2e | 20 tCO2e | 27,66 M€ |
Scope 1 & 2 first
The Decarbonization Plan
Plugit has developed a decarbonization plan for our journey to net zero and an implementation roadmap to reduce our Scope 1 & 2 emissions in the short term (see timeline below).
Our environmental work this year:
- Use of 100% renewable electricity (hydropower) in all our offices and warehouses
- Charging with 100% renewables at our PRO DC charging points and at the largest customers’ sites operated by Plugit
- 100% renewables powered Cloud data centre
- Fleet: 67% electric, 33% hybrids
- 100% electric forklifts
- 100% LED used in offices and warehouses
- 100% motion sensor used for all offices
- Encouraged subcontractors to gradually switch from fossil fuels to electric vehicles
- Helped our customers to reduce their emission
Annual carbon footprint -4,2 %
- Plugit will reduce its carbon footprint by -4.2% per year from 2024 in line with its net zero emission reduction plan.
- Design and construction of a new energy-efficient production facility (Level A property); on the work list: geothermal heating, maximum use of rooftop solar panels and energy storage.
- Increased cooperation with customers and partners to progressively shift from fossil fuels to electric vehicles.
- Building an ISO 9001 quality system
- Building an ISO 27001 information security management system
- Building an ISO14001 environmental management system
- Construction of an ISO 45001 occupational health and safety system
- We have switched to Post’s green logistics for our own transport.
- More than 80% of our fleet is fully electric, with the rest being hybrids. In line with our vehicle policy, we are phasing out hybrids and replacing them with full electric vehicles. Our fleet will be fully electric by 2026.
- We will open more new PRO DC stations for heavy traffic. Plugit has three high-capacity public commercial charging stations in Tampere, one in Helsinki, one in Vantaa and one in Naantali. The next stations will be completed during the autumn in Tampere, Turku, Lieto and Vantaa. All energy charged through the Plugit PRO DC network is 100% renewable (hydropower origin)
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of life-cycle emissions (grade-to-gravel, including extraction, manufacturing, transportation, own production, installation, use and recycling of raw materials) of our own public charging station (Hube and Satellite). Calculation results: the total GWP impact for one satellite manufacturing phase is 1265 kgCO2 and for one power unit 21,996 kgCO2.
- Recycling potential of the total weight of the hub is 92% and the recycling rate is 99.06%; the recycling potential of the total weight of the satellite is 90% and the recycling rate is 96.69%.
- We are currently carrying out a duality analysis (11/2024)
Encourage subcontractors to gradually switch from fossil fuels to electric vehicles
Official sustainability reporting starts
CSRD and EU Taxonomy reporting for year 2025 (will be published 2026)
100% electric fleet
Publication of 1st Plugit EU Taxonomy report
26% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 by 2027 (against 2021 baseline)
Understanding of scope 3 materiality
38% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 (against 2021 baseline).
Plugit sets Scope 3 targets.
60% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 (against 2021 baseline)
Plugit’s carbon dioxide emissions from district heating reduced to zero
Carbon Neutral Finland in 2035
80% absolute reduction of Scope 1 and 2 (against 2021 baseline)
2050 or sooner
Plugit is Net Zero / Net Positive